View Organization Signatures

7423 individuals and 1813 organizations have added their names to the declaration.

Organization Signatures

Total Signatures Found: 1813, showing 20 per page
  • Rift Valley Institute United Kingdom
  • KnowGenesis India
  • Webology journal Iran
  • CEU Human Rights Center Hungary
  • Center of High Technology , Institute of physics DSC of RAS Russian Federation
  • KnowGenesis India
  • Reiki Training Institute United States
  • CytoJournal & Cytopathology Foundation Inc United States
  • Ternopil State Ivan Pul’uj Technical University Ukraine
  • GNIF BrainBlogger United States
  • San Fernando Valley - Medical Reserve Corps United States
  • GNIF Living with a Brain Disorder United States
  • Universidade da Coruïa. Servicio de Biblioteca Spain
  • Group for Theoretical and Compuational Physics, Research Center for Physics LIPI Indonesia
  • Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Association of India India
  • Project195 United States
  • Universidad de Antioquia Colombia
  • University of Hawaii at Manoa United States
  • Escuela Superior PolitÆcnica del Litoral Ecuador
  • Oriented Open Courseware Viet Nam